i don't like when someone bugged out on me with no reason,
oh there is! that someone was pissed off of something!
(when in the normal situation, i will sincerely help out)
the after impact is, those people start to STARING at me and think that i made some UGLY mistakes.
and it seems like the words spread faster than MY BREATH!
and yes, I HATE IT!
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
effin' dead!
just got caught in the act, wetwetwet, by TBI's director while farmville-ing. ToT
eventho that was my break time and there's my padang rice on the desk. but still~
goodbye world~!
wanna go home. T0T.
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
heyyoooo!!! it's me again, finally, posting something. =3
it's been a year yaa? since it's 2010 now LOL. *tergaring abad 21*
i'm just going to tell you guys something, proudly, that now hehe
it's been 48days sih yaa, but still masih wangiii kata org mah hahahaaayyy~
well, i'm not pregnant yet (though i am really eager to get one .hehe.) but that's okay lah, it can wait, mungkin emg belum waktunya aja kali ya hehe..(meskipun suka pengen nangis klo baca postingan bumil ato foto2 bumil and/or babie LOL~)
hmm yeah anyway, just want to point out one thing kalo...
Nikah itu enak yaa XDDDwell, kita lebih ga ngerasa sendirian aja 24/7. hmmm i'm so glad that i choose the right man to be my hubbie. meskipun emosian, tapi banyak bgt kelebihannya dia yang bikin gw bahagia. alhamdulillah.
he's an amazing hubbie. i'm happy. *mataberbinar*
ohwell, i'll stop my randomness and PULANG! (ohyeah, gw masih dikantor jam seginiii =_=;;)
sebentar lagi hubbie pasti nyampe buat jemput. aww aww.
right. am off now, bye! :P
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥