capeknyaaa kemaren masih kerasa sampe sekarang...sampe2 bisa kebangun subuh gini, padahal lagi gak sholat dan baru tidur jam 1~ =____=;;
mungkin saking pikirannya yah~~
well anyway,
kemaren terjadi misunderstanding antara gw dan pacar...
kalo gw pikir sih, itu cuma masalah adaptasi sama pasangan aja...so, nothing's big and bitchy..
but yeah, still it's kinda hurts...hehe...but oh well, namanya juga pacaran, belum sebulan pula (ihiiiww~~ besok sebulanan~ pyo pyooo~~!) jadi masih belum bisa nyari sela ^^
will get used to it in any time ^^
tapi yah gw ngerasa bedaaa banget sama dulu... well sekarang yah berantemnya, lebih tepatnya berdebat sih, lebih 2 arah aja...saling mengeluarkan apa yang ada dipikiran gitu...dan gwnya juga nanggepin dengan sabar dan kepala dingin, meski sempet kesulut emosi tapi trus pikiran jernih tetep jalan dan si batu itu gw kikis pake air hahahahaha~ *iyehhh random abis, gak penting..
ngerasa banget sih sakit2 selama 9 tahun yang lalu itu ngebawa hasil...gw jadi lebih mau ngerti pacar yang sekarang dan lebih dewasa aja~
pacar yang sekarang emang jelesan banget...tapi ntah kenapa gw seneng2 aja hehe...mungkin karna ngerasa banget disayangnya yah ^^ malah kadang lucu sendiri sama sipacar~ fufuffu~
jadi sadar banget kalo sekarang i'm falling so deep in love hahahaha~~ cepet banget gw jatuh cintanya~ XDDD~ meski emang masih dalam proses healing~ ngumpulin pieces to pieces hati gw kemaren yang diacak2 sama si so-called-ex-boyfriend...but so far, everything's great..
bisa aja dia bikin gw melting...ahuahuahua~
komen dari adek gw adalah :
"nah sekarang lo udah dapetin kan semua yang lo harepin dari pacar lo?!"
dan dengan itu, gw bersyukur banget...Allah sayang banget sama gw, setelah ngasih ujian yang for the longest time i live was the hardest , akhirnya dia ngasih what i'm looking for...
and i hope, it will last...
tugas gw sekarang adalah beradaptasi dengan kekurangan2nya dia and vice versa...bukan mencoba ngerubah dia seperti yang gw mau~
it'll take all my patience i think, but i'll survive . . . ^^,
and i am never regretting what i've been through with my ex-boyfriend...maybe we're not meant for each other dan emang tinggal tunggu waktu aja buat pisah...mungkin salahnya cuma endingnya yang cukup ngebunuh gw selama berhari2 hahaha~
at least dalam 9 tahun itu bukan cuma sedih kok yang gw dapet, tapi lots of happiness too..and the most important is, pembelajaran tentang bagaimana bersikap lebih dewasa dan how to keep your relationship save and sway XDDD
i shed my first tears because of my boyfriend last night...dan anehnya, gw ngerasa lega karna akhirnya gw bisa nangis buat sipacar, it means for me, he's finally worth my tears LOL~ aneh emang... hope there wont be too much tears in my relationship~~
aaaahhhhh~~ sedikit lega setelah nulis ini hahahaha~~
ichan : iyayah, terlalu jujur? hahaha~ gitu deh sayah...you can easily read my life...haha~ terlalu extrovert
bang mail :YES, me and my song of life LOL~
miss chika will be out now..
save sex guys! LOL~ kidding~~!
eat well!!! *winks
oh wait, by the way,
i LOOOVE Junpyo from BBF!! HAHAHAHA~~
another domyoji fetish XDDDD
m'kaaayyy~ Bye yo!!
tiba2 venda ngasih link lagu ini, disuruh nyari liriknya...
begitu ketemu dan baca, FUCKEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR~!!! dalem banget!!
kayak kisah masa lalu gw dinyanyiin!! anjrit!!
GA ADA YANG BEDA!!!!!! semua sama~ berasa gw distalking mbak Beyonce trus ditulisin lagu XDDDDDDD
so if you want to know how my 9 years relationship ended ... yah beginilah, seperti di lagu XDDD~
Beyonce - If I Were A Boy
If I were a boy
Even just for a day
I'd roll outta bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted then go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I'd kick it with who I wanted
And I'd never get confronted for it.
Cause they'd stick up for me.
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed.
If I were a boy
I would turn off my phone
Tell everyone its broken
So they'd think that I was sleepin' alone
I'd put myself first
And make the rules as I go
Cause I know that she'd be faithful
Waitin' for me to come home
To come home.
If I were a boy
I think I could understand
How it feels to love a girl
I swear I'd be a better man
I'd listen to her
Cause I know how it hurts
When you lose the one you wanted
Cause he's taken you for granted
And everything you had got destroyed.
It's a little too late for you to come back
Say its just a mistake
Think I'd forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong.
But you're just a boy
You don't understand
Yeah you don't understand
How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man
You don't listen to her
You don't care how it hurts
Until you lose the one you wanted
Cause you've taken her for granted
And everything you have got destroyed.
But you're just a boy
biasanya kan gw selalu ngebold lirik2 yang ngena, kali ini ga perlu~ semuanya ngena~ XDDDD
fuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh~~~~~!! *maklumi bahasa saya, lagi PMS XD*
capek ah~ mau hunting barang lg ;D
i'm out! <3
i'm weird, i know XD
got this Quiz by blogging around~ wanna try it lalalala~
Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions.
They have to be real places, name and/or objects but nothing made up.
Try to use different answers if the person you got this from has the same initial.
You can't use your name for the girl/boy question.
My name is: Chika chan
Boy's name: Charlie (?_?) LOL~
Girls name: Chikitta~
Occupation: Clerk XD
Colour: C...Ch...Cherry colour? haha~
Something you wear: Casio Watch
Beverage: Cappucinoo~
Food: Chocolatoes
Place: Chungnam XD
Something found in the bathroom: C....huh?
Reason for being late: Chatting XDDD~
Something you shout: CANTIIIIKKKKK~~~!! XDDDDDDDDD
Font: Comic sans ?
Show: Comedy showww~~
Song title: Close to you~ hooo hoooowww~~
Country: China ... (oh how i wish korea start with C ;__;)
Name 5 people to pass this on:
- Ichaki~!
- Ayame
- Tiwie
- Icha
i'm out, for real! 8DD
waw waw waw!!
may everything that you wish for will be come true this year~
may our days will always accompanied by happiness, good luck, and all the great
don't look back and move on for the greater good.
meskipun acara tahun baruan rada garing XD
hanya berdiam diri dikamar hesti, doing nothing but spazzing bout useless things but still, i had fun! ^^
got new baby now, so have to take care of him start from now..fufufu~
hope this time will last forever ^^
*pray hard pray hard XD*
been on lots of depressive times last year, so must fight for the better this year! ohyeah~!
aahh~ i'll post my 2009's resolution next time~
skrg saya lupa ;p
okie dokie~
mau bobo duluwww~~
masih ada party yg menunggu nanti siang fufufuu~
miss.fabs yang kembali bahagia says,
i'm OUT but will be back soon!
*cipoks brutal*