I'm here, your love, for life..
thanks to Boyz II Men's 100%
be strong bb!
i know you can survive~ only 1 more year @__@;;
don't get too depressed, coz i don't know why but i can feel it here, even if you didn't tell me~
and anyway, you should be home in december okay?? you promise me~
huhu~ missed you my gay~~~~ :(
i know i'm acting like an annoying GFF but what can i do? all girlfriends are annoying! 8DD i just don't want to be different HAHAHA~
but THAT's because i have my own irritating BFF!! yeah uhuh! oh well i know, every boyfriends are irritating~~~ and you, my BFF, it means you'll forever irritate me -____-" dammit! it seems not right in both senses yeah? o___o;
kayaknya punya hobi baru liatin poto saya kan?? 8DDD dikasih yg updet deh HAHAHA~
see? i'm too cute to be left alone~ HAHAHA~
so, study hard-work hard and be back soon~ 8DD
ignore this post guys! -___-"
i'm off!
bye? 8DD
Note for my fuckable-gay : by the way, Jason Mraz kayaknya mau ke Indo, so can i come to the concert?? with whomever it is??? LOL~ OMG! i know what's the answer, you'll say NO, N.O.!! -_________-""
but the reason not because you're jealous that i'll go with another people but just because you ENVY me to be able to watch Jason~~~ hahahaha~
-_____-"" you never get jealous eh? YAH! what am i to you~!!! *turn crazy and pick up randomly boys XDDD*
^ i'm too hyper~
okay, maybe i won't come ^^ HAHAs dammit!suddenly,
perasaan saia gak enak banget..
jadi gak bisa tidur...deg2an terus..gak tenang...
pikiran saia ke si pacar terus...
i hope he's fine~
and i hope he isn't doing something stupid...
02.19 am
i finally send him message asking, "r u okay?"
then he said he's not....and asked, how do i know...
hhhh~ somehow, i know it right away when something bad happen or when he's not in a good state~
let's say i can feel what he's feeling too, wherever he is~
meskipun saia lg sebel sama dia XDDDD~
be strong hon~
i feel like he's crying right now~ because i am, at the moment...kayaknya dia bener2 lagi feeling down..
just be strong okay? just couple of months more then you'll be home! don't forget i love you too~ so much!!
come home soon!!
i dunno why, but i feel soulless today~
kepala kayak penuh, tapi gak tau mikir apa...
jadinya pas pulang kerja naik mobil n jalan tuh kayak ngikutin insting aja~
pas pulang, tiap naik mobil pun slalu gak sadar tu ada dimana dan hampir kelewat~
hhhhmmm~ kenapa yah??
padahal gak lagi kenapa2 kok~
mikirin pacar? nggak lah~ biasa aja, ada dia or ga ada juga rasanya sama...kayak gak punya pacar kkkkk~ kasian~
mikirin kerjaan? nggak juga~ everything's fine~
mikirin keluarga? nggak~
kayaknya i need to threat myself sooner deh~ backpacking mungkin?
gw sih rencananya si mau iseng kejogja, nunggu sibebi ngambil cuti seminggu~ haha~ beduaan biar berasa jadi 2 cewek petualang XDDDDDDD~ ngacho aja! XDDD ini juga kudu diomongin dulu ke dia kaliii HAHAHA~
so, november or desember?? let's see lah~ *wink2*
haaa~ today beli film lumayan banyak XDDD~
beli Beverly Hills 90210 Next generation~! katanya seru banget~~
baru sampe 6 episode sih~ rencananya mau ditonton skrg~ :3
trus beli Gossip Girl season 2 YAY! HAHA~ tapi gak tau kpn ntnnya XDDD~
movienya beli Made of Honor, Premonition...
yg korea Miracle of Giving Fool
trus jepangnya Proposal Daigakusen & Attention Please Movies~
emang si banyak yg lama2nya but, heck! kan gw blom nonton wakakakakkkk
aaahhh~ masi penasaran Knight Rider!!! yup! the new generation~ cooler car, boys and all LOL~ sayang tadi keabisan huhuhu~ minggu depan balik lagi~~!! *winks*
aaahhh~ jujur! gw kan belom nonton Laskar Pelangi!! wakakakkkk~
makanya besok mau maksain nonton..untung di depok masi ada hahaha~
bukan apa2, kmrn2 kan sibuk banget tuh~ boro2 bisa nonton...tidur aja musti dipaksain XDD *cari alesan*
oh bytheway, murid gw, anak korea namanya Moon MinJu~ bikin kaget~ dia hapal banget INDONESIA RAYA loh!!!! HAHAHA~ minggu kemaren dia nyanyiin dengan tempo yg superduper cepat! LOL~ kebayang gak sih lidah orang korea nyanyiin lagu Indonesia wakakkkkak logatnya jadi lucuuuuu~!! haha
oh satu lagi, Ha Bin...masa kemaren dia menyenandungkan lagu apa deh tuh dangdut yang sempet ngehits banget~ aahh lupa hahahaha~ yah pokoknya gitu hahaha~ bikin syok ajah~
ada sih satu cowok, Jonghyun, dia malah hapal banget lagu "o..ooo...kamu ketauan~ pacaran lagi~" dengan logat yang SANGAT INDONESIA hahaha~
good for you kids! harus ikutan cinta Indonesia dong kalo tinggal disini hahahaha~
ohwell enuff for today's rambling~
miss chika says : up..up..and away~~!!
but i LOVE that GAY~!
so very much dammit!!~ -____-""
he didn't phone or message me yet, at all!
what is he doing there?? meeehhhh~
Let this cute Joongie save my day~
cure my pain~
oooohhh so cutee~ and sexyyyy~
only my joongie can understand me..dundundundun...
hai~ ^^
i'm tired~ of sleeping LOL~!
i got myself 2 days off (because my students have their sports day and birthday party~)
so, i spent my first day, which is yesterday with..
internet-munching-sleep-internet-eat-internet-sleep-internet-talk to mom-internet-eat-internet-sleep~ and blablabla~ HAHAHA~
i never move my butt from in front of my computer except for peeing or talk to mom LOL~ i even sleep in there, eat there HAHAHA~ what a lazybug LOL~! oh well, i'm not proud of it~
but at least that's how i can threat myself for my hard working this past months HAHA~ now i achieve it~HAHAHA~
oh today, maybe i'm going to find my fabs shoes for my fabulous kebaya~ HAHAHA~ anyone want to come??? HOHO~
aaahh~ too much laughing..but i'm dying inside XDDD~
well anyway, i want to ask you guys something~
what do you feel when your so-called-boyfriend can't come to your long awaited graduation?? well, yeah, it depend on the reason i know...he just far far away there~
BUT, what do you feel again if that boyfriend of yours didn't even bother to REMEMBER when you struggling on your Last-minutes-of-being-a-fuck-up-college-student???? and choose to fly away to his so-called-new-home just merely 2 days before that day??
AND, to make it worst, what do feel when you hear him complaining about how expensive it cost for phoning us for just like 3minutes, and it cost only hell 3thousand rupiahs, (and he's complained on the phone plus SMS!!)?? fyi, there would be 7 days of rain if he called me at least once a week!
so, what do you feel?
and what do you think, should i kick his ass because he thinks his all that, to think that i would never leave..hoeekkk~ oh no, i'm not perfect also my dear~
maybe he think that giving us stuff will make our mouth shut, heck he's complaining about how his father threat him like that "showing love with stuff, buying things and all" and yet, he did it with me -___-""
aaaaaaaahh! he's sooooooo *sensor*~!! and to think of it, i'm nearly getting married to a *sensor*!!!!!
(no matter how much i love *sensor*, but yeuhhhh as a husband?)
so much for 9 years of dating -____-"" a *sensor*!!
pissed off.