TVXQ! & Arashi Co-Ranked First
The popular pop idols of Korea and Japan, TVXQ! and Arashi, ranked in first place concurrently on the April 22nd Oricon charts.
TVXQ!'s 22nd single "Beautiful You" ranked first on the April 23rd Oricon Daily Singles chart after selling approximately 21,000 albums.
The single was very popular with fans of the Bae Yong-jun TV drama "Legend," as it features the theme song to the drama which started broadcasting in Japan on the 5th.
Arashi's original eighth album "Dream 'A' Live" shot to the tops of the Oricon charts on the day of its release. It contains the tracks "Happiness" and "Step and Go." Both were ranked number one on the weekly singles charts. The album was a limited edition that also included a special CD with each of the five members singing solo.
The live DVD they released on the 16th, "Summer Tour 2007, Final Time," was recorded as the best-selling DVD this year and commanded first place on the April 28th Oricon DVD Weekly Charts.
source: +
ohmyGOD ohmyGOD!! my two passion of life!!!
aaahhh~ congratz guys~!
hope i'll see them on ONE screen TOGETHER!! LOL~
please Arashi invite THSK to shukudai or GRA~
please please~
i'm sooooo high~
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
mood : heppiheppijoyjoy~
music : purple line -THSK
nyaaaaa~ ganti skin lagi LOL~
gak tau ni bertahan sampe kapan lol~
today lesson..
Minju canceled the i only went to BumJu's and PilHwan's..
oh~ started next week, i have new stud named Kang Woo Jae. actually, he's JooYoun's brother lol~ so that also means for Monday and Friday, i'll finish at 8pm *sigh*
but that's okay though~ as long as i get Tuesday and Thursday free nyahnyah~ lazy me..
aaaa~ boring~~ no one's online..hukshuks~
no kayin also~ hiks~ my partner in late-at-nite-crime lol~
don't know what more to say~
lemme just spazz with pics ayte?!
JooYoun and Me
she's 13 years old. grade 5 in JIKS.
loves to cry, a lot. LOL~
a bit spoiled, attention's seeker.
actually, she's kinda smart, love to tease me.
but she loves me lol~
she's kinda dislike to share me with another stud.
i think, she's kinda obssessed with me lol~
last thursday, she even hugged me a lot and tell me that she loves me many many times lol~ i love her too~
next pic would be my BABY~

my Baby lol~
named Hesti, but i call her beybi lol~
my yuri~ girlfriend? lol~
love her so much..for she always there for me in my worst state..
for her neverending supports.
she's helping me a lot, in many ways.
my partner in crime that related to EAT lol~
always makes me happy in her way.
i just love her to death lol~
enuff for now lol~
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
3.23 am
mood : plain~
music : mosquitoes' no uta lol~
actually, i kinda dont-really-like this skin but~ hmm~ it's nice though.
the space annoyed me *sowwie*
but i like the title 'disintegrate', it's so me lol~
i cant sleep~
what should i doooo~
tomorrow i have 3 lessons. lesson for Beum Ju lesson for Minju lesson for PilHwan
aahh~ i forgot to tell you..i'm a teacher, playing teacher as beum ju said lol~
ooo~ i should sleep now *zzz~*
but can't~
have sooo many new links to download, but guess what?
i was downloading the oldies file video lol~
stupid me yeah~
uuuuhhh~ wanna eat pizza!! deluxe cheese! gosh!
i think tomorrow i'm going to treat medio to go to pizza house~ yumyum!
i'm craving for those! *oink!*
ohh~ wanna spazz with some pic lol~! this is...
Moon MinJu
she's 12 years old. grade 5 in JIKS.
loves to sing *even during lesson, and when i asked her to read*
i think, she's really smart, in English especially.
good at piano. likes Junsu, she said.
a bit naughty, chatty, likes secrets a lot, loves to lie.
but all in all, i think she loves me lol~
once become a captain of the class.
and yeah..too many to list lol~
okay, i'm getting sleepy now..
it's time to rest lol~
see ya~ dont wannabe ya~
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
gw gak ngerti kenapa yah sama Blog ini...
kok urlnya salah mulu~
gw rasa kudu rombak skin lagi deh~
hmmm~ baru baca di soompi, soal Jeje punya pacar~
lol~ entah kenapa saya merasa senang sekali..
finally, dia punya pacar~
itu harapan gw slama ini..
selalu wish you all the best Jaejoong~
mau punya pacar kek, oplas kek, punya anak dimana2 kek LOL~
i'll be your greatest fan~ will always supporting you, no matter what..
kalo kamu heppi, saya juga heppi~
jadi kita bisa, heppi-heppi joyjoy~ LOL~
ahh~ another random thingy~
tante2 gatel yg idupnya malem lol~
Karinz_ Ky^^: oi buuu xDDD
chika takeuchi: ini siapa ya?
Karinz_ Ky^^: oh~ maaf salah sambung ya?
chika takeuchi: duh, kalo tau salah sambung kenapa nelpon???
Karinz_ Ky^^: lah kan situ yang nelpon..
chika takeuchi: masa sih?
Karinz_ Ky^^: jadi mau pesan apa mba? kami udah last order nih..
chika takeuchi: aduh ini bukan dinas kebakaran yah?
chika takeuchi: sebenernya yg nanya duluan siapa yah?
Karinz_ Ky^^: bukan mba~ ini sambungan internasional.. anda terhubung langsung dengan reporter CNN disini..
chika takeuchi: aduh~ jangan gila dong~
chika takeuchi: ini kan chat box~ yahoo messenger~ bukan telepon
chika takeuchi: uuhhh~
chika takeuchi: lol~
chika takeuchi: bu bu~
chika takeuchi: ngerjain tugas lagih>
Karinz_ Ky^^: hahahhaha
Karinz_ Ky^^: yang gila duluan siapa?
Karinz_ Ky^^: xDD
chika takeuchi: lol~
chika takeuchi: mabok jeje~~
Karinz_ Ky^^: gyahahah
Karinz_ Ky^^: doh~ begadang lagee... =_________=
chika takeuchi: nguuk~ semangat tantee
pertanyaannya adalah :
siapakah yang memBUZZ duluan?? ROFL~
gak penting emang.
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
am i a good friend for my best friends or not?
hmmm~ the answer would be, NOPE!
at least that's what i thought i am.
why? there's so many reasons for that, like,
i never initiated to call them often, they usually call me at first. i felt like sometimes i act like i don't care, don't listen to them, or simply looks like i don't want to meet them.
well, the truth is...
i am so much love my bestfriends, BUT, i dont know why, i just cant express my feeling rightly.
hmm..yep that's true, i never call them often or be the one to call first only to just talking shits lol~
hhh~ i just not good in verbally you know, i much like to send them messages, which is not really often also - my bad!
or the not-listen thingy...i DO listen to them, it's just that i sometimes put my attention to somewhere else while listening.
hhh~ it's just my defense i know..but really, i Too get annoyed with myself like that.
oh, maybe, just maybe, it all started when i've lost my very first bestfriend in middle school, she just happened to have another 'bestfriend' lol~ poor me..i was sulked days and nights for that. i even cried lol~
and it happened again when i was in highschool, same story same impact. but this time, i made a mistake that cause us really separated. by knowing i've lost her, i ignored her. huhuhu~ i'm still not good on expressing what i feel even now how hurt i was that time. i just love her so much.
so from that time, i told myself to not give so much for friendships, coz you'll never know when they'll leave you.
actually, maybe i failed with that lol~
coz i'm so into my bestfriends right now lol~
but the not-paying-too-much-attention thingy still up -_-
my bestfriends are my treasures. i don't know why, but i always wholeheartedly love them. guess i really not take the lessons lol~
so now, i just want to tell them that i love them so much! eventhough i looked like i dont, but believe me friends, i DO! even my new friends out there, which also 'close' to me.
that's it!
i'm so sorry for being good-for-nothing's friend.
hope you'll always take care of me, as i would.
i thank GOD for giving me a chance to know you all!
so yellow mellow here xDD
ahh~ just wanna post pics of me and one of my bestfriend lol~
Shinta aka MonDa *monster dada* lol~
she just love me so much xDD
i love her a bunch!
such a smart, creative and pretty girl (hoeekkk~!) *i hope she wont read this lol~*
me and her, always throwing some stupid-random nicknames like whore, bitch or something like that, currently we love to call each other 'cun/pecun' lol~
she really love to tease me, even to phone me in the middle of the night! YOU!
such a tough girl indeed.
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
beberapa minggu lalu,
gw sempet jadi korban sexual harrassment di bis pas pulang kerja.
duh amit-amit najoong!
nah kemaren~ gak sengaja, ternyata gw satu bis lagi sama dia~ hiiiii~
untungnya kali ini gw berdiri~
tapi kasian, ada korbannya lagi disebelahnya...
anehnya, kayaknya si korban ga sadar deh~ duuh!
hmmm~ bingung mau ngepost apah...
ini aja deh~ sekelumit IM gejeh Kayin vs Chika xDDD
chika_takeuchi_go: :D
karinz_ky: ibu gilaaa xDDD
karinz_ky: najong lu~~
chika_takeuchi_go: nah lo
chika_takeuchi_go: napa lagi nih??
chika_takeuchi_go: xD
karinz_ky: hahaha
karinz_ky: gpp xD emang lu selalu najong kan
karinz_ky: :D
chika_takeuchi_go: oh, maap mbak...
chika_takeuchi_go: salah sambung
chika_takeuchi_go: tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttt~~
karinz_ky: aduh, ini operatornya goblok ye..
karinz_ky: =))
chika_takeuchi_go: sial lu!
chika_takeuchi_go: xD
chika_takeuchi_go: nnananana~
chika_takeuchi_go: ituh blog baru eke bu
chika_takeuchi_go: di link atuhh
karinz_ky: hoo xD
karinz_ky: napa ganti2 si bu??
karinz_ky: males nih aye xDD
chika_takeuchi_go: bukan mau eke bu
chika_takeuchi_go: no blogspot onyon~
chika_takeuchi_go: bikin blog i error
chika_takeuchi_go: gak bisa masuk~
chika_takeuchi_go: -___-
chika_takeuchi_go: samaa~ eke jg pdhl males bgt ngerapiin2 lagi
karinz_ky: huehueheu xDD
karinz_ky: yahhh~ maklumlah..
karinz_ky: yang punya juga eror..
karinz_ky: :D
chika_takeuchi_go: yang punya PRINCESS chika loohh
chika_takeuchi_go: bukan si eror
chika_takeuchi_go: ck ck ck ck
karinz_ky: yhaa~ xD mendenger dia menyebut namanya aja ude ketauan kalo orgnya eror
karinz_ky: xDD
karinz_ky: =))
chika_takeuchi_go: *tendang ampe antartika*
chika_takeuchi_go: eh bu~
chika_takeuchi_go: waktu itu gw cerita gak gw jd korban seksual harrassment??
chika_takeuchi_go: di bis??
karinz_ky: HAH???
karinz_ky: serius luu??
chika_takeuchi_go: iyaakkk~
karinz_ky: kalo pelakunya ganteng kae hongki si ga masalah
karinz_ky: ;))
chika_takeuchi_go: 2minggu lalu mungkin...digrepe2~
karinz_ky: trus2 xDD lu diapain??
chika_takeuchi_go: lah itu mah ELUUU~ aaahhh ngirii
chika_takeuchi_go: xD
chika_takeuchi_go: tangannya 'maen2'
chika_takeuchi_go: eh blom crita ya brarti
chika_takeuchi_go: iyah gitulah
karinz_ky: huwaa
chika_takeuchi_go: naaaaaaaaahhh
chika_takeuchi_go: tadi...
karinz_ky: najong xD cerita cuma "ya gitulah"
karinz_ky: xD
karinz_ky: lanjut~
chika_takeuchi_go: gw sebis lagi ama tuh orang
chika_takeuchi_go: xDD
chika_takeuchi_go: sekarang gw inget ciri2nya
chika_takeuchi_go: jaket item - tas ransel, sok2 tidur pala senderan ke banku depan tapi tangan yang satu masuk ke belakang ransel
chika_takeuchi_go: najiisss~
chika_takeuchi_go: bapak2!
chika_takeuchi_go: skitar 40an gitu mungkin
chika_takeuchi_go: rumahnya daerah rumah gw kayaknya
chika_takeuchi_go: penyakit kali ya bu
chika_takeuchi_go: tadi gw pas diri sebelah dia
chika_takeuchi_go: gw pelototin aja
chika_takeuchi_go: sambil ngeliatin korbannya yg baru
chika_takeuchi_go: eh kaenya korbannya gak sadar digrepe2
karinz_ky: iyuuuhhh
karinz_ky: >_<
chika_takeuchi_go: iiiiiiihhh najoooooong
chika_takeuchi_go: hoeeeeeekk
chika_takeuchi_go: gw poto tadi
chika_takeuchi_go: tapi gak jelas potonya
karinz_ky: ihhh
karinz_ky: >_<>chika_takeuchi_go: iye~ xD
chika_takeuchi_go: mau gw masukin blog
chika_takeuchi_go: xD
chika_takeuchi_go: tapi dari belakang doang
chika_takeuchi_go: soalnya gw rasa dia lagi 'menikmati'
chika_takeuchi_go: secara korban barunya santai2 aja
chika_takeuchi_go: kalo gw waktu itu langsung sadar
chika_takeuchi_go: pas kepergok tangan dia lagi 'maen'
chika_takeuchi_go: gw langsung beres2 trus bediri sambil kasar
karinz_ky: huhuhuhu
karinz_ky: >_<
chika_takeuchi_go: kata bokap gw, napa gak teriak
chika_takeuchi_go: liat blog gw deh
chika_takeuchi_go: xD
chika_takeuchi_go: ada jejenya
chika_takeuchi_go: xD
karinz_ky: eh eh xD chik~
karinz_ky: btw.. lu ga pernah ketangkep pas lagi grepe2 co di bis?
chika_takeuchi_go: ya ya>
karinz_ky: =))
chika_takeuchi_go: najoooooooooooong
chika_takeuchi_go: ya enggaak laaah
chika_takeuchi_go: profesional dooong
chika_takeuchi_go: tuh bapak mah amatiran
karinz_ky: =))
karinz_ky: najisss
chika_takeuchi_go: lu pikir sapa yg merawanin jeje??
chika_takeuchi_go: lu pikir napa Pi jadi liar begitu??
chika_takeuchi_go: xD
karinz_ky: wakakkaa xDD jijay lo~
karinz_ky: anehh
karinz_ky: >_<>
chika_takeuchi_go: looh masa?
chika_takeuchi_go: pake opera mungkin
karinz_ky: mwollae
karinz_ky: >_<
chika_takeuchi_go: anjrriitt~
chika_takeuchi_go: spidi nyebelin
chika_takeuchi_go: buuu~
chika_takeuchi_go: tewas yah?
chika_takeuchi_go: xD
*tiba2 kayin menghilang gejeh kae ninja xD
karinz_ky: buuuu xDD
karinz_ky: masi idup ente??
karinz_ky: :D
karinz_ky: gw abis ngupi2 xDD
tnyata sodara2~ dia malah ngupi2~ -___-^;
tante gilaaa~
begitulah sekelumit IM gejeh tengah malam kami xDD~
sebenernya masi panjang, cuman kalo dipost pasti bikin ngantuk xDD
karna pembicaraan uda berkisar tentang 'hidup'~
udah ah~ uda pagi xDD
should sleep~ xD
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
uuuh~ i'm so sleepy, yet can't sleep~
i've been waiting for my HEY3's video to finish YAY!
uuuhh~ can't wait to watch~
30minutes to go! YAY!!
hmm~ cerita apa yah~
dunn dunn dunn~ blog baru nih hohoho~
secara yg lama gak jelas gituh~
bagus gak bagus gak? kudu otakatik sanasini duluw sih
but oh well...xDD
duh lagi inlove lagi nih~ hehe~
bangun dari patah hati hahaha~ gak bisa pergi dari 'dia'~
mau sejauh apapun gw lari, entah kenapa, selalu sampe ke samping dia lagi...
hmmm~ jodoh? dunno~
sekelumit pembicaraan saya dan dia soal ini :
Saya : iya, ada yg mau ngenalin lagi tuh sama cowok..
Dia : oh, waah, terus?
Saya : males ah~
Dia : loh kenapa?
Saya : udah males. ngapain..
Dia : emang kenapa??
Saya : ya susah2 nyari yg laen, jauh2 gw pergi balik2nya ke elo elo lagi...udahlah, terima apa adanya aja.
Dia : HAHAHAHA~ *terdengar agak arogan*
hhh~ satu lagi yg lagi gw sadarin,
gak ada yg lebih nyaman dibandingin punggungnya dia HAHAHA~
entah apa jadinya kalo diganti orang laen hehehe~
but still...
masih mencari..
kedengerannya gw gak sayang dia yah..lebih terdengar kayak nyia2in org yg uda sayang bgt ama kita...
hmmm~ ada beberapa yg blg gitu~ gw cuek~
well, the truth is...i do really love him sampe rasanya sakit sendiri xDD
what i believe is, i'm one of the luckiest person on earth to already had found SOULMATE in life.
aaaaaa~ greasyyyy~ hahaha~
aaahh~ another babble gak penting xDD~
terusin nanti deh
dunlutan dah mu slese~~
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥
finally i've managed to create my new blog.
since the old one had played trick on me~
so, after some depressing time~
i announced my brand new BLOGGY~
i love this skin so much!!
guess why~ nyahaha~
it's So ME...yepp~
currently i obssessed with one of the most adorable creature on earth!
feel free to tag me along *lovelove*
Written by; ♥chika chan ^.~♥